
Search 1800 Numbers

Find the 800 number you’re looking for in the national toll free numbers directory.

list of 1800 numbers

If you are looking for a list of 1-800 numbers, you found the right place. Unitel allows you to search the national toll free number directory in real time to find the perfect toll free number for your business. If the 1800 number you’re looking for is available (i.e., it’s not in use with another company now), you can snap it up for your business. Toll free numbers come in several different toll free number prefixes, including 800, 888, 877, 855, 844, and the newest prefix, 833 toll free numbers. And it’s a bit harder to find 1-800 numbers than it is to get a toll free number with the other prefixes. That’s because 800 numbers were first released in the 1960s and are almost all in use. The national toll free number directory’s spare pool of numbers is mainly made up of 855, 844, and 833 numbers.

list of 1800 numbers

Find the 800 number you’re looking for in the national toll free numbers directory.

If you are looking for a list of 1-800 numbers, you found the right place. Unitel allows you to search the national toll free number directory in real time to find the perfect toll free number for your business. If the 1800 number you’re looking for is available (i.e., it’s not in use with another company now), you can snap it up for your business. Toll free numbers come in several different toll free number prefixes, including 800, 888, 877, 855, 844, and the newest prefix, 833 toll free numbers. And it’s a bit harder to find 1-800 numbers than it is to get a toll free number with the other prefixes. That’s because 800 numbers were first released in the 1960s and are almost all in use. The national toll free number directory’s spare pool of numbers is mainly made up of 855, 844, and 833 numbers.

The 3 Most Common Questions About
Searching for 1800 Numbers

1. If a toll free number is disconnected – how do I get it?

Ever come up with the perfect idea for a vanity 1800 number (i.e., 1-800-YOURBIZ)? You know that having that number would help your brand and market your business, so you call the number. Shortly after you call the number, you hear, “We’re sorry, your call cannot be completed as dialed.” You think, “Great, the number is disconnected, so it must be available.” Unfortunately, that’s not always what that means, and in most cases (especially with 1800 numbers), when you hear that message or a similar message, it seems to mean that the 800 number is disconnected because it is not ringing through to a local number. The 800 number is still in use, owned by some businesses, and unavailable for purchase. Unfortunately, thousands of 800 numbers are in this state for various reasons, and there’s no way to find out what business owns the number. The only information you might be able to dig up is what phone company is the carrier of the number, but that Phone Company won’t tell you who their customer is because that information is kept private.

2. Is there a GoDaddy for toll free numbers?

Unfortunately, no, not really. There’s almost no way to get toll free numbers that are disconnected but still technically in use. All available toll free numbers are housed in a directory managed by an FCC-directed organization known as Somos (formally called sms800). Somos allows certain phone companies like AT&T and Unitel to become Resp Orgs (responsible organizations) and, in doing so, allows them to build toll free number directory search tools (like the one on Unitel’s signup page). The Unitel’s search tool searches the directory in real-time and allows you to search by number combination, word, phrase, or wildcards (the asterisk symbol). Another nice feature our search tool offers are “suggestions.” In other words, if the number you want isn’t available, the search results will often give you close available alternatives.

3. How do I find a great vanity 1800 number?

It’s really hard to find a great vanity toll free number with the prefix 800, simply because there are so few available. Your best bet is to search for a great 855, 844, or 833 number. The newer the prefix, the more options there will be.

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