Business Voicemail
Set up custom business voicemail boxes for each employee and department.
Not available to take a call? Let your call roll to a custom voicemail message. Voicemails are emailed to you and stored in your mobile app and online dashboard so you and your team can track them.

Business Voicemail

Set up custom business voicemail boxes for each employee and department.
Not available to take a call? Let your call roll to a custom voicemail message. Voicemails are emailed to you and stored in your mobile app and online dashboard so you and your team can track them.
What is Business Voicemail?
Business Voicemail is your professional answering service when you can’t take a call. With Unitel Voice, it’s not just about capturing messages but ensuring callers feel valued every step of the way.
- 24/7 Coverage: Catch every message at any time.
- Clear Recordings: High-quality audio ensures no missed details.
- Personal Touch: Customizable greetings that speak your brand.
What is Business Voicemail?
Business Voicemail is your professional answering service when you can’t take a call. With Unitel Voice, it’s not just about capturing messages but ensuring callers feel valued every step of the way.
- 24/7 Coverage: Catch every message at any time.
- Clear Recordings: High-quality audio ensures no missed details.
- Personal Touch: Customizable greetings that speak your brand.
Why do I need Business Voicemail?
Just like you need a business number to keep business calls separate from personal calls, you need Business Voicemail for the same reason.
Business Voicemail isn’t just an answering machine for business calls. It’s a tool that enhances professionalism, streamlines communication, and ensures you never miss a business opportunity.
- Stay Connected: Catch every potential lead or query.
- Professional Touch: Make a lasting positive impression.
- Feature-Rich: Advanced functionalities tailored for businesses.
Why do I need Business Voicemail?
Just like you need a business number to keep business calls separate from personal calls, you need Business Voicemail for the same reason.
Business Voicemail isn’t just an answering machine for business calls. It’s a tool that enhances professionalism, streamlines communication, and ensures you never miss a business opportunity.
- Stay Connected: Catch every potential lead or query.
- Professional Touch: Make a lasting positive impression.
- Feature-Rich: Advanced functionalities tailored for businesses.
How can I access my voicemails?
Accessing voicemails with Unitel Voice is a breeze! Listen from your online dashboard, mobile app, or even get them emailed to you.
- Multiple Access Points: Online, app, or email.
- Instant Notifications: Know right away when you have a new message.
- Secure Playback: Your messages are protected and confidential.
How can I access my voicemails?
Accessing voicemails with Unitel Voice is a breeze! Listen from your online dashboard, mobile app, or even get them emailed to you.
- Multiple Access Points: Online, app, or email.
- Instant Notifications: Know right away when you have a new message.
- Secure Playback: Your messages are protected and confidential.
Related Features
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Phone Numbers
Call Handling
Working Remote
Business Voicemail
Everything You Need to Know
1. How does Business Voicemail differ from regular voicemail?
Unitel Voice’s Business Voicemail offers features tailored for businesses, ensuring every caller gets a professional experience.
- Dedicated Storage: Keep business messages separate and organized.
- Multiple Users: Assign voicemail boxes to different team members.
- Advanced Features: Such as voicemail-to-email or custom alerts.
2. Can I customize the voicemail greeting for my business?
Absolutely! Create a unique greeting that mirrors your brand’s tone, or use one from our library.
- Reflect Your Brand: Use your business tone and message.
- Easy Setup: Quick recording and uploading tools.
- Options Galore: Choose from professional presets or go custom.
3. Is there a limit to the number of voicemails I can store?
Unitel Voice offers generous storage, ensuring you get all vital business messages.
- Ample Space: Store a significant number of messages.
- Easy Management: Archive, delete, or save as needed.
- Upgrade Options: Need more? We’ve got plans to suit!
4. Can voicemails be transcribed to text?
Yes! With Unitel Voice’s advanced features, get voicemail messages transcribed and read them at your convenience.
- Quick Overview: Scan messages without playback.
- Accurate Transcription: Capture every detail.
- Voicemail-to-Email: Receive transcriptions right in your inbox.
5. How long are voicemails stored with Unitel Voice?
Your messages are stored based on your chosen plan, ensuring you have ample time to review and action them.
- Retention Period: Store messages for weeks to months.
- Archival Options: Save important voicemails longer.
- Flexible Plans: Adapt storage based on your business needs.
6. Can I forward a voicemail to a team member?
Certainly! You can effortlessly share voicemails with Unitel Voice, ensuring the right team member acts on it.
- Quick Sharing: Forward with just a click.
- Team Collaboration: Ensure no message falls through the cracks.
- Maintain Privacy: Share only the messages you choose.
7. Is the Business Voicemail feature mobile-friendly?
Absolutely! With Unitel Voice’s mobile app, access and manage your voicemails on the go.
- On-the-Go Access: Listen, delete, or share from anywhere.
- Mobile Alerts: Get notified of new voicemails instantly.
- User-Friendly App: Designed for busy professionals like you.
Built for Business Builders. Backed by Outrageous Support.
Spend time building your business, not setting up your phone system. You don’t need tech skills or an IT department. If you hit a snag, we’ll take care of it.
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- Award-Winning Support
- Try It 30-Days Risk-Free
- Satisfaction Guaranteed